Why am I Studying Japanese?

Although I am not Japanese, Japanese is a very meaningful language to me. My grandfather studied at a Japanese University for college, so he would always use both Korean and Japanese when talking to my mother. By learning Japanese, I hope to somewhat converse with my grandfather and mother in Japanese, and be able to talk to people when my family goes on a trip to Japan. So far in class, we learned a lot of important lessons, such as basic greetings, time, and asking where places/objects are. From my trips to Japan, I found these to be important survival questions that I need to know, and am glad that we are learning them. The only hard part is that Japanese sentence structures differ from English structures, but I think I am making progress in that area :)



  1. すごい!That's really sweet of you to be learning Japanese to be able to talk to your relatives! One of the reasons why I tried (and still trying) to improve my Spanish was so that I would be able to talk to my grandfather comfortably. I hope we both have a good semester of Japanese!

    1. いいですね!にほんごおべんきょうしましょう!

  2. タビーさん、I didn't know your grandfather was in Japan! While my main objective for learning Japanese came from my interest in Asian Contemporary Art, my secondary reason was also my relative. My grandmother is from Sapporo (札幌?), and even though she passed away before I was born, my mother always talked about learning Japanese from her mother. I think having multiple shared languages allows you to develop an even greater sense of connection with your loved ones, because knowing various languages opens doors for broader cultural understandings. I'm glad you are taking Japanese!

    1. こんにちわエウンさん!I think you make a really good point about having shared languages. I'm glad you're taking Japanese too!にほんごおべんきょうしましょう!

  3. I agree with マヤーさんとあんーさん, it's so awesome for you to learn a language to connect with family! I am sure that when you talk to them, they will appreciate you so much for taking the time to learn Japanese. As for the sentence structures, I also think it's hard but we can do this!

    1. こんにちわナリッザさん!Yes, I agree with both マヤーさんとエウンさん。We got this!! にほんごおべんきょうしましょう!


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